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  • How do you communicate with me?
    A lot of the day to day communications happens via our Facebook pages. Juniors - Seniors - For more general information about the club visit our website where you will find policies, fixtures, results and other information. Lastly we use TEAM APP where you can download an app and get real time notifications or find info like fixtures while on the go.
  • How do I register for the Season?
    All registration is done online. When registration for a season opens it will be advertised in local papers and social media. The advert will include the closing date for registrations. Once registrations are closed we accept new registrations on an availability basis, i.e if there is a spot available on a team in that competition. If no spot is available you will be placed on a waiting list until there is enough people for a new team.
  • How much does it cost to play domestic basketball at Wallan?
    Fees for each season are determined by the committee. We attempt to keep fees at a minimum in order to cover the costs of court hire, uniforms, officials and insurance. Participation of parents in volunteering for coaching, canteen duties and scoring are essential to minimising fees. Current fees are HERE **Payment plans are available on a request for those in need. There is anlso an annual fee payable to Basketball Vic Country for insurance that covers any participation in the year for any counrty association/tournament.
  • How do I know when I am playing and what team I’m on?
    All Domestic games are played on a Saturday at RB Robson Stadium Wallan. Fixtures can be found on our website here. A team list will be released prior to the season commencing. Teams are selected as follows: Last season players are given a ranking Players are first entered into last seasons teams New players are added to a team to a maximum of 8 Teams are balanced to have as close to equal scores to begin with as possible and balanced with ball carriers and talls etc. This process is impossible to get right so we adapt teams in the first few weeks to help with balance.
  • How do I get a uniform?
    Uniforms are provided, we will advertise a singlet collection day in the week prior to the season commencing. A singlet deposit is required and returned once a singlet is handed back in good condition.
  • What else do I have to wear?
    Black shorts must be worn. Shorts must be PLAIN black and cannot have pockets. Tshirts can only be work in team colors. Performance wear like 'Skins' etc can be worn in line with basketball Victoria policy eg no full length unless for medical reasons.
  • When do we train?
    Training is offered in the slot prior to games for kids to come and improve themselves.
  • Who do I contact?
    The committee are the ones in Wallan Polo shirts on Saturdays, feel free to approach any of us with questions on the day. The committee and their roles can be found here. Our email address is Phone number : 03 9001 6910 Postal Address: PO Box 120 Wallan Vic 3756
  • How does a season work?
    'Domestic' is the local competition for all abilities. Played on a Saturday through the year, it is split into two seasons running as winter (March to September) and summer (October to February). Games are played at the same time each week for each age group in either an A-Grade or a B-Grade competition. Training is also held on the Saturday in the session before the game.
  • What is Glory League?
    Glory League is a world’s first automated video system for everyday basketball that allows players to relive their games through professional quality full-game video, highlight reels and stats which is automatically captured using the platforms software and cameras.
  • What does Glory League provide?
    Glory League provides players, coaches and referees with a unique post-game experience that includes: - The ability for players to watch all their games, review their highlights and share with friends and family - Review stat-enriched content with box scores, line charts and more - Watch highlight reels that can be shared with family and friends or even sent to coaches and scouts - Tag stats to create additional highlight clips and enrich player stats - Review and analyse game footage to assist development of players, coaches, and Referees Find out more about Glory League in this video.
  • Who uses Glory League?
    Our data shows that 80% of players use the platform after a game. Players of all different levels use the system for a range of reasons – for some to help their personal improvement, for others its part of their social engagement with teammates. It is also used by many parents and family members who can’t attend games allowing them to experience and be part of the excitement too, and, for some, they really like seeing a great play or shot they made. Glory League also makes competitions safer and better with a marked improvement of player and spectator behaviour.
  • How long after my game will I get my video?
    It takes anywhere from one to twelve hours before the game video is ready. This is dependent on the quality of internet at the stadium and the number of games recorded. The general rule of thumb is that if you play at night the game video will be with you by the next morning.
  • How do I learn about the game as a new parent e.g the rules of basketball?
    Family Handbook Basketball Rules
  • What is Representative Basketball (The Wallan Panthers)?
    The Wallan Panthers 'Representative' teams are association vs association played on a Friday night at venues across the metropolitan area of Melbourne with training through the week. Representative season runs from April to September roughly but there are tournaments and grading games that make it a year round committment. Try-outs are held each October for the year ahead. Full details and selection criteria ect can be found in the Parent Information Pack.
  • What is the pathway for a basketballer at Wallan?
    Wallan is a Basketball Country Victoria affiliated association. The development pathway for our players, coaches and referees can be found here. Locally our junior players go from Domestic competition, to Wallan Panthers representative teams. From there they transition to our senior representative teams for which we have the U23 Youth League program and the BigV program which is the elite senior competition in Victoria.
  • What competitions do we play in?
    Wallan Domestic Victorian Junior Basketball League (VJBL) Victorian Country Championships (BVC) Big V Country Basketball league (CBL)
  • Where can I get more information (policies and guidelines)?
    All policies and guidelines are available on this website and can be found here.
  • What is expected of me as a parent?
    Wallan Basketball is a volunteer organisation. Most of us are parents just like you who want to provide a great environment for our kids to play sport. We also want to be able to watch our kids play too. So we rely heavily on parents to help out around the place when they can. We always could do with a hand in the canteen so why not drop in while your child trains. Or if you have an interest in the game, how about putting up your hand to coach or help out with the training sessions. We will always provide support and guidance if you are keen to try something out but are unsure how. Above all else you have a responsibility to do your turn at scoring, a game cannot start without a parent from each side volunteering to score. Lastly there is a code of conduct for parents that you are required to sign and abide by.
  • What are the rules of Basketball?
    A basic interpretation of the rules can be found here.
  • How do you I learn to score?
    So the simplest way is to pair with someone who already knows how and learn from them. There are always folks available who can come and sit with you and show you the ropes. There are two types of scoring you may need to do, old school style is the score sheets, a copy of a score sheet is available on our website under scoring. the new way is Stadium Scoring, an online scoring system being adopted across the country. A video explaining how to score using this system is available here.





Wallan Basketball Incorporated (A0027937B)


(0491) 607 263

(2:00-6:00pm each day)

48 Bentinck Street, Wallan, 3756

(Office open Sunday 7:30am-10:30am, Monday 5pm to 7pm, Tuesday 5pm to 7pm Wednesday 5pm to 7:30pm

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© 2024 by Wallan Basketball.

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